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Showing posts from April, 2020

In Defiance Of a Dream

At what point does  your  school education become useful and meaningful to you in life? Growing up in the Ghanaian society, when a child had 10 ones  (distinction) at the end of a 3 year Junior High School Examination (BECE) it was then automatically assumed that that child should go on to study a course in Science at the Senior High level. And most of you will agree with me that at the end of the day, not all the kids with distinction who come out of the science course in high school end up going to medical school in university to become doctors, nurses or medical professionals. Meanwhile, it was a parent's big dream for instance, that once their son or daughter enters medical school in a prestigious Ghanaian university, that child must definitely pass out to become a medical doctor by hook or crook. Because for you as a parent, having spent thousands of cedis or dollars (in a foreign university), your child becoming a medical doctor will be the only consolation priz...

The New Immune System Booster

Doctors and all health experts around the world have told us to eat healthy and exercise more so we can boost and improve the immune system in our bodies right? Well, let me tell you this then, yesterday evening while watching Citi TV, a medical doctor was being interviewed on issues relating to COVID-19 and how we can all stay safe. The answer he gave the host, Bernard Avle is the reason why i am writing this article today.  To paraphrase the important thing the doctor said, the interview went like this. Bernard Avle: Doc., what can we do to stay healthy and strong in this COVID-19 crisis? Doctor: Bernard, I'm not here to talk about COVID-19 issues at all. I'm here to talk about how people can help themselves have a healthy and strong immune system so they can live longer here on earth. The secret to having a healthy and strong immune system is having a positive mindset and attitude to life always.  In other words, the doctor is asking us to stay happy and choose to be ...

Inspiration That Counts

Inspiration That Counts We all hope and dream that we can be able to inspire ourselves and others to be the best  they can be. But I'm sure many of us have been wondering how do we even start. You have even been asking yourself, do I have what it takes to inspire others and be an inspirational figure in the lives of others? Don't worry, for I am here to teach you that you can inspire others too. But first, this may come as a shock to you to hear this from me, but inspiration alone is not enough. Yes, oh yes you heard me loud and clear, if you want to inspire people and make them great, having inspiration alone is not enough. You need to have self belief. Not power or to be in a leadership position. Many people think to begin to inspire people, you must first be a leader or be in a leadership position. But that's wrong. This is because like you and me every one of us is different. You are different, I am different. No one here on this earth has the same talent or gift ...

Slave To Fear

Stop being a slave to your own fears. You cannot gain strength, courage and confidence in life, if every experience meant to teach  you something causes fear in you. Remember, fight and defeat your fears, anxiety and low self-esteem before it drags you into a hole of darkness away from your greatness. Say to fear, anxiety  sadness and low self esteem: Not today.... I'm no longer your slave!!!! Kwame Sarpong |  Freelance Writer:  Nyansa365  e: | w:  m: +233205832364 | p: +233205832364 f: Otumfour Kwame Sarpong t: @kwamesarpong25 inst: iamotumfour L: Kwame Sarpong

Let your light shine

Let your pain and struggles in life encourage you to encourage others never to give up Many times will come when you will hate this decision you have taken because it may seem that the more you encourage others to believe and have faith, the more your own problems seem to multiply. But don't give up. Like a  lamp set on a lamp stand,  shine bright in the dark so others may see their way home using your light. Do not be bitter or indifferent for the lord, God is the rewarder of good works not man. There will be a victory crown put on your head one day by the millions of people you helped and saved. There is truly a reward in selfless service to others. Let your light shine !!!! !

True Blessings

Most people do not recognise a true blessing because there is no money involved. We live in a world today where money has become the benchmark for measuring everything. The person who has lots of it is highly respected and regarded by our society as the most successful above everybody else, even if he is a fool. It is pushing everybody over the cliff to work hard and find money so he too can be recognised and respected. I guess the famous American psychologist, Abraham Masloc was right after all. Every human being has a burning desire inside him,   which is the need to want and command respect from everybody. Because of this behaviour, we usually do not realise or appreciate the true blessings we have each day right before our eyes, until we lose it. For some of you, your true blessing is the breadth of life you have right now giving to you by God each day. You have been in and out of the hospital over the past few years continuously. Battling some strange illness the do...

Self Control

Self control is real strength to anyone who knows it Calmness is an art to master on its own. You have to get to a point in your life where your mood does not change because of insignificant actions or distractions from others Learn to control your own mind to be in control of your own actions good or bad. Don't allow someone else to take control the direction of your life. Don't allow petty emotions to control the intelligent person in you Kwame Sarpong |  Freelance Writer:  Nyansa365  e: | w:  m: +233205832364 | p: +233205832364 f: Otumfour Kwame Sarpong t: @kwamesarpong25 inst: iamotumfour L: Kwame Sarpong

The Trust Trap

In 1993, I was admitted at the hospital and scheduled for an orthopedic surgery a month ahead.  The Spanish doctor who was to perform my surgery will visit me and my mother in the hospital ward every morning... and ask me to practice trying to stand by myself and start walking bit by bit everyday until the time of the surgery. I didn't want to do it. My worried mother asked me why and I said the walking excercise routine is so painful. So I can't do it. Besides I have you and dad, and my brothers to help me always. Why should I struggle to walk on my own when you guys are there to always help me.  I remember my young stupid self giving my dear mother that answer.  The answer she gave me was; Kwame, I will not spell doom for you. But if you don't strive to walk on your own on the canvas, you may soon realise in the near future, your brothers will prefer holding their girlfriends hands to yours. In my little mind, I thought my mother was mean and heartless for saying that...

Being Consistent With Simple Things

Can I ask you a question....?? What does love and passion mean to you?? Many of us imagine love and passion to be that strong affection you have for someone or something because you attracted to it. That is Infatuation or Lust. It is never love. Not even close to it. I define or measure love with the level of consistency to do the things you plan to do. Passion on the other hand, is the energy that drives the love for the things you do. Everybody has something he or she wishes to change especially in this lockdown period. You have written so many things you want to do, once the virus passes and the lockdown period is over. For some of you, you want to to begin a new life as a mother or father to your kids at home. You started teaching them how to pray in the morning when they wake up, how to lay their own bed and brush their teeth. For your older children, you've started teaching them how to be responsible with their time and money. But it's looking like all your effor...

Condemned For No Reason

Today is the day Jesus goes to heaven to be with the father after he completed his heroic mission here on earth. But he did not have a smooth sailing in his work in completing his mission. We all know the story. His mission being here on earth was to bring salvation to mankind. To reconcile sinners like you and me back to God. So we may have restored relationship with the Almighty, just as it was in the beginning of creation. Innocent mission, you will think right??? But why did he face so much difficulties trying to fulfil this mission? Why did he face so much opposition from the authorities of his day.??    Who instead of helping him complete his mission here on earth, rather threw problems after problems in  his way every single day. They threw false accusations at him from every angle just because they were jealous of him. He healed the sick and made them whole, the religious teachers and pastors of his day wished it was them rather doing all that and not Jes...

Fear of Opinions

Osho, the famous Indian motivational speaker and writer says this: "The greatest fear in the world is fear of the opinion of others. The moment you are unafraid of the crowd or what they really think about you or what you are doing, you cease to become a sheep. You thus become a lion and once a lion, a great roar arises in you and in your heart. That roar is the roar of freedom" Most of us, including myself are where we are today because we paid much attention to what other people thought about us and about what we did or we were doing. Granted, there are most people who genuinely give us constructive criticism and direct us thoughtfully the way we should go. So opinions of such people should really matter most to you. But the opposite is also the case, and you will agree with me that there are majority of the people we know or close to us who don't give a hoot about what we think about anything or don't seem interested in whatever we are doing and want to do. T...

The Twist and Turns of Life

When I was 16, I wrote many action plans in my diary. I remember telling my friends I will become a billionaire by age 30. Did it happen?? No. It didn't. But now in my mid 30's I have come to learn and understand pretty well that things don't always turn out the way you plan. And like me, I know you have written a lot of plans too that if all things go as planned this year, you will want to execute them and push yourself to be successful too. Thanks to the dreadful COVID-19 virus, everything in the world today has almost come to a standstill. And it's looking like your dreams and goals have hit the rocks too. But this is what I want to tell you; don't give up!!!!! Yes, you, don't you dare give up. Trouble times don't last always and so will your problems. I may not be close to achieving my billionaire dreams yet. But I tell you, I will achieve that mark and spread my infectious hook to catch as many people as I can with it so they can grow too. When...

Time, Love And Karma

When a bird is alive it eats ants as its food. When the bird dies, the ants eat it. One tree can be made into a million matchsticks to light fire ....... but it takes only one match to burn a million trees in the forest. Here is the lesson.... In this life, circumstances change at anytime. Don't belittle or devalue anyone in may be powerful and on top of the world today, but understand that time is more powerful than you. During this time of difficult times for everybody in the world, it has touched your heart to help  the poor or the vulnerable people in your community, God bless you my brother and my sister. But don't make the mistake thinking that you are better than any of them, because you are not. Karma has a funny way of turning the screws of life around. Because you may not know the day, an unannounced heart attack can hit you hard as you are driving alone in the street.  It will be these same poor people who may rush to come to help you quickly, muc...

Support Small Business Owner Friends And Family To Grow

To all my self-employed, small business owner friends and family,  this article is dedicated to us!!!! Rihanna releases a lip gloss, people buy it.  Michael Jordan puts out new trainers in stores, people flock to these stores to buy them instantly. Dr. Dre  has new headphones, people buy it. Oprah Winfrey, the richest black woman in the world introduces a new weight loss and diet control program, people jump on board and flow with it. BeyoncĂ© has a new concert, people queue in line to go spend £250 on a ticket just to watch her performance. A friend or family member of ours starts a business, and soon we become weary.  We say things like "Not sure this is going to work"  "This business you are starting is not going to go anywhere, I'll give you only 6 months, it will collapse to the ground"  " this your product is too expensive, you will be out of business in no time if you don't reduce your prices" Those of you, putting out negative comments...