Inspiration That Counts
We all hope and dream that we can be able to inspire ourselves and others to be the best they can be. But I'm sure many of us have been wondering how do we even start.
You have even been asking yourself, do I have what it takes to inspire others and be an inspirational figure in the lives of others?
Don't worry, for I am here to teach you that you can inspire others too. But first, this may come as a shock to you to hear this from me, but inspiration alone is not enough.
Yes, oh yes you heard me loud and clear, if you want to inspire people and make them great, having inspiration alone is not enough.
You need to have self belief. Not power or to be in a leadership position.
Many people think to begin to inspire people, you must first be a leader or be in a leadership position. But that's wrong. This is because like you and me every one of us is different. You are different, I am different. No one here on this earth has the same talent or gift as the next person. Even twins from the same womb don't have or share the same talent or gift.
This is why you must from today get it out of your head that you must first be a leader before you can inspire yourself or others. And because you have this mindset, you think you cannot do anything to change something. I'm sure you must be thinking there must be some special group of people or leaders who can inspire people or influence people in a positive way.
Well, I'm here to tell you today, you can do it too. It doesn't matter if you are born rich or poor, educated or uneducated, whether you have powerful friends or not. Whether you can speak well to thousands of people or not, you can inspire too..
Here are a few things to help you measure yourself first to know if you can inspire or influence people in a positive way;
• *Trust* : can you be trusted as a person.? Can people count on you to do what you say you will do. Can people trust your Yes to be a yes and your No to be a No?? Do you even trust yourself enough to do these things you say you want to do. If you can see inside yourself that you are trustworthy and show good results for it with other people, then you can qualify to inspire others. So be trustworthy.
• *Courage* : If you wish to inspire or influence others, you must not be a weak person. Weak people are always afraid or scared to take decisions. They are not bold or brave enough to take their own decisions. They are always afraid to speak the truth because they fear what people will say about them. If you are not brave or courageous, please don't bother yourself to want to inspire others.
• *Empathy* : If you dream of inspiring yourself or others to make change. Let me ask you this; do you care about other people or you just care about you and yourself only. How do you respond or react if you see someone in trouble who needs your help? Think about it and look deep inside yourself. If you cannot help yourself or others in need, don't even think about inspiring people.
• *Equality And Accountability:* Are you the type of person who always sees yourself more important than anybody else? If you can't tolerate different people and listen to different advice and suggestions, this article is not for you. Please go and sleep. You must first see everyone as equal, including yourself. Watch and follow up on things you ask people to do. Follow up to see if they are doing well or not. If not, how can they do better.
Everybody needs somebody to look up to in bad times. It must start with you.
Kwame Sarpong | Freelance Writer:
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