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Fear of Opinions

Osho, the famous Indian motivational speaker and writer says this:

"The greatest fear in the world is fear of the opinion of others. The moment you are unafraid of the crowd or what they really think about you or what you are doing, you cease to become a sheep. You thus become a lion and once a lion, a great roar arises in you and in your heart. That roar is the roar of freedom"

Most of us, including myself are where we are today because we paid much attention to what other people thought about us and about what we did or we were doing.
Granted, there are most people who genuinely give us constructive criticism and direct us thoughtfully the way we should go.
So opinions of such people should really matter most to you.
But the opposite is also the case, and you will agree with me that there are majority of the people we know or close to us who don't give a hoot about what we think about anything or don't seem interested in whatever we are doing and want to do. They are negative influencers. And they are the very people Osho is talking about here.
Opinions of negative influencers cause us to fear a lot in life. They are the ones that usually go like... What if you start and fail,. What if people don't buy into your business idea or the famous negative talk of all, you will fail totally my friend because you have no experience to start or do anything meaningful to be successful.
They are telling you these things because that's what they really think about you or anything you want to do.
Come to think of it, it may be opinions they have of themselves and think of themselves that they can't do anything with their life because they are already a failure.
Be very careful they don't infect you with their negative opinions (words). If you allow them to infect you... You will live the rest of your life in permanent fear. If they are your friends or family members, I really pity you. Because you need more than anointed prayers to shake them off.
Please note the difference between negative opinions (influencers) and positive opinions (influencers). Positive opinions do criticise in a negative way too but they go further to help you build and rebuild your life until you achieve the level of success you desire.
Negative opinions (influencers) are like grave diggers. They dig your initiatives and commitments to an early grave likely death.

Shout-outs to Mrs. Millicent Yalley, Gideon Adjei, Papa Arko,  my two big brothers, Nana Yaw Danquah and Felix Sarpong, Henrietta Adjettey, Charles Nunes (Brazil), Pedro (Brazil) and you reading this too. You guys inspire me to do more and support me physically too. God bless you.

I would love to be an influencer in your life too. If you let me.  Thank you always for reading my opinions through my articles.

Remember, the lion does not concern itself with the opinions of the sheep. Let this guide you.

Kwame Sarpong |  Freelance Writer: 
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m: +233205832364 | p: +233205832364
f: Otumfour Kwame Sarpong
t: @kwamesarpong25
inst: iamotumfour
L: Kwame Sarpong


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