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Condemned For No Reason

Today is the day Jesus goes to heaven to be with the father after he completed his heroic mission here on earth.
But he did not have a smooth sailing in his work in completing his mission. We all know the story. His mission being here on earth was to bring salvation to mankind. To reconcile sinners like you and me back to God. So we may have restored relationship with the Almighty, just as it was in the beginning of creation.

Innocent mission, you will think right???
But why did he face so much difficulties trying to fulfil this mission? Why did he face so much opposition from the authorities of his day.??    Who instead of helping him complete his mission here on earth, rather threw problems after problems in  his way every single day. They threw false accusations at him from every angle just because they were jealous of him. He healed the sick and made them whole, the religious teachers and pastors of his day wished it was them rather doing all that and not Jesus.

They made him hated so much in the eyes of the people, to the extent that they conspired to kill him. They had to do this in a clean and legitimate way so at the end, when it's done, they will not be seen as evil people in the eyes of the people, the Jews.
They hatched their plan so perfectly that by the time it got to Pontious PIlate. He had no option but to agree to the evil charges they will bring against him.

Even though Pontious PIlate knew very well that Jesus was innocent. He did what was pleasing to the crowd and gave up Jesus to be crucified like a criminal amongst criminals on the cross.

As humans and individuals, we face difficult situations everyday to speak the painful truth which will be unpopular to many people or to lie to ourselves and deny the truth so we can be liked and appreciated by many people. Whether or not we choose to tell the truth, the next generation will judge us tomorrow  by what we are doing today. So let's be careful.
Are you denying the truth just to be popular among many people. I tell you today that your days of cheers and applauds will be over soon. Because those people who are applauding you today will turn on you tomorrow for not telling them the truth when you had the chance to.
Pontious PIlate personally did not find anything guilty about Jesus. But because he did not act bodly and feared what the people will say, he let the people have what they wanted. Which was to crucify and kill Jesus Christ.
Be bold and brave in the face of truth. If you fear criticism from people, you cannot stand for the truth no matter how hard you try.

Like Pontious PIlate, do not make the mistake of condemning an innocent person to death either physically or spiritually just because majority of the people are saying he or she is guilty.
Remember, I told you long ago in my previous writings that don't expect the truth to be popular before you believe it. Because it will not be so.

Listen to each side carefully, judge wisely based on experience and not on your emotions or feelings if you are a leader of your household, family or a business.

I repeat,  be bold and brave in the face of a bitter truth. You may lose many people but you will definitely preserve your life and legacy for generations.

Kwame Sarpong |  Freelance Writer: 
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m: +233205832364 | p: +233205832364
f: Otumfour Kwame Sarpong
t: @kwamesarpong25
inst: iamotumfour
L: Kwame Sarpong.


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