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Burden of Love: The Easter Story

What is our modern society's view on God's love?

How can we love something we cannot see?

What is your understanding of Sacrifice?

In your view, what contributes to make love last longer or grow stronger??

Why does the almighty God love humanity so much?? Well, he created us in his own image to have dominion (rule) over the earth. He meant for us to enjoy all these things, worship him, and acknowledge him in our existence on this earth.
There are many people who claim that there is no God, God only exist in our imagination, yet why does God continue to give such people and other people who blaspheme against him air, the gift to wake up from their sleep and  all the benefits he has assigned for this earth??
If you are wondering wildly just like me, I'm sure you are thinking the same thing too.
Why doesn't he just cut supply of everything he gives you or me for free, the minute we say we are not going to worship him again?
And concentrate fully and lovingly on only  those who love him dearly or follow his instructions.

That theory of love not based on any condition or favours is what I liked to call the Burden of Love.  Join me and let's paint an imaginary picture here.
Imagine as a teenage girl getting pregnant accidentally in Secondary School. Your parents finds out because you decided to keep the baby and not abort it. Out of anger and a feeling of  disappointment, your father vows not to pay any school fees of yours again even if you beg him on your knees. But after a few years, you enroll in a vocational school, and here comes your father asking you how much the whole tuition and accommodation cost, which he pays fully.

If you get the analogy I'm trying to create here, what do you think caused the sudden change in the father's behaviour towards the daughter?
This is a typical example of a burden of love.
Consider also in the Bible, in Luke 15, the story of the prodigal son or the book of Hosea, on Prophet's Hosea's strange but profound love for the prostitute Gomah.

Burden of love character does not keep records of a person's wrongs or rights. It just loves because it has chosen and made a commitment to love and make  sacrifice for that which it has vowed to love.
That's the same way, I believe God loves us humans. Hence he further brought Jesus Christ as a gift of sacrifice for the world so that through his death, we can reconcile back to God.
But don't forget that although burden of love is genuine and sacrificial, it comes with it consequences.
Consequences because we human beings (you and I have taken this love for granted. Because we may feel it will last on us forever and ever.
No. Love when continuously taken for granted by its beneficiaries can slow down or die off naturally with time. Because the efforts must be reciprocating on both sides. Thus, the one giving and also the one receiving.
Let me play a devil's advocate here too and tell you also not to be surprised to understand why a merciful and loving God has Hell.
Are we genuinely acknowledging the death and sacrifices of Jesus Christ on earth just to bring us God's eternal salvation on earth or we would rather to prefer to troop to the mountainous Kwahu area to chill our stress away like we do every Easter.

I am a practicing Christian, now building up my faith gradually but I'm also a realist who believes in the harsh consequences we face as people because we took someone's love for us for granted.
No doubt God loves us unconditionally but not when we continue to abuse his unconditional affections.
Something definitely must be given up in return. Don't you agree.

Let the focus of this year's Easter be on the importance of Jesus' death and the message it carries.

Happy Easter Folks

Kwame Sarpong
Freelance Writer


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