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The purpose of Hardwork or Sacrifice

Why do we work so hard or sacrifice so much for something??

What does hardwork or sacrifice mean to us??

What are we expecting to get in return from our hardwork or sacrifice??

Is it all worth it at the end??

We all have come to believe and understand for many years now that it pays to work hard.
Many of us have different reasons why we work hard or sacrifice so much. For majority of us, we work hard every day so we can have a lot of money to do or get whatever we wish or desire for.
But the real purpose of our hardwork should not be about money but should be focused on value and impact I believe. Think of these great people who have made their mark in the history of our world..... Jesus, Mohammed, Solomon, Mahatma Gandhi, Bill Gates,  Michael Jackson, Steve Jobs, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama among a few.
What did all these great men and many more like them have in common?
Value and Impact. Not the desire to make money.
They had a greater purpose in life to impact human lives in a positive way through their work or what they do.
For instance, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates believed that through technology, people and businesses around the world can connect and share ideas easily without any boundaries.
This simple Idea and vision gave birth to computers, laptops and mobile phones which have become so important and useful to us in our world today that we can't live without them. Not even for a day. By creating these products from their vision, they have become billionaires and wealthy people. And by we constantly wanting more of these things of theirs, means they will continue to grow richer and richer by the minute perhaps until the end of time.

So the reason why these two people were working hard all their lives was to make technology a part of us and help us solve problems. They didn't think of making money or acquiring wealth from the start.

It is said there are two most important things in every man's life... the day you were born and the day you find out why. (your purpose)

Spend time to find out what your value is to your job, business, family  or in life and work hard to ensure it will have a greater impact on people.
Trust me, Money will follow you like a magnet.

*Kwame Sarpong*


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