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The Value Attraction

There is a difference between being liked and being valued. A lot of people like you
But not many value you.
Be valued.


I'm about to drop a bomb on today. Do you want to know what it is. Alright bring your ears closer and let me tell you this one important secret.

People don't like you. I repeat, I said people don't like you. People like the things you can give to them.  Ahhhh Kwame, what are you trying to saying...???
What I'm trying to say to you my dear reader is very simple, and it's that people don't like that much as you think or imagine. They like you for the things you can give them or how useful you are to them.
That thing you can give them is what we call value.
We struggle so much to catch the attention of so many people on social media with some "toys"  (fast cars, big mansions...etc) we have acquired so that people's attention will be drawn unto us or will be drawn to our page. We hit 4k likes on Facebook and Instagram on that same day we will display our  latest expensive Mercedes Benz collection acquired or soon- to happen, our latest iPhone 13 we have just bought from the Apple store.
But then we struggle to understand the next day when we come on the page again to see that that 4K likes and views we had on Facebook and Instagram yesterday displaying our latest iPhone 13 or Mercedes Benz or our glam wedding ceremony has mysteriously dropped to Zero likes or just 50 likes.
Are you still struggling to understand why?? It is because people only like you for the value you can offer them. What at all can your iPhone 13 give them. Can it give them the bread of life or can it give them hope for the future?
Most people were just watching all what you were displaying because it's flashy, catchy or fancy. That's it. And after 5 or 10 minutes or sometimes even less, they go back again to facing the harsh realities of life like how to make money to pay their children's school fees. Which your iPhone 13 cannot do for them.
Can I be more controversial here again... Even the almighty God, many of us people worship God and pray to him daily because of the things he can give us. Life, air, a baby, visa to go to America or Europe, a husband, a wife and so many other things we wish to have.  We do that instinctively because we have heard since time immemorial that God is a supernatural being who can do and make all things possible.
In truth, that's why many of us worship God, that's why many of us flock to church on Sunday. Because of "things" The day we will hear God cannot provide or give those again, that day we will stop being Christians or stop going to church with immediate effect.
And start hating God or feeling disappointed in him.  If you are following what I'm preaching here you will by now have an idea why there are so many Christians or religious groups around the world and yet sin and all other evil things continue to happen in this world.
We do not love God for real for real we love the things he can give us. I'm guessing the only exception to the rule will be Job (please read the story of Job in the Bible)
Now, I'm asking you again oo, are you valuable?? How valuable are you in the eyes of people??
This is the sad but painful truth of life, take me Kwame Sarpong for example, I am a writer, I write inspirational articles on so many subjects to you every morning, 5 days in a week, non-stop. You like what I write, you love what I write and the message I bring.
But here's the thing, if I should stop writing or speaking for say 6 months or even 3 months,  my value will disappear. People will have no need for me anymore.
That is because many people do not know me, the only know me through my writing. As long as I continue to write, I will continue to be valuable. I will be dead in the eyes and minds of many people the day I stop writing.
It's a fact I have come to accept, understand and live with.
My dear beautiful woman or beautiful girl, can I ask you a question...?? Are you valuable?? How valuable are you to a man??
You will think today, men are circling around you like flies begging to have your phone number, begging to date you or marry you because you are beautiful "too much" or because you have big butts and breasts.
Sorry to hurt your feelings, but so does Kim Kardashian and Peace Hayde.
The day they get what it is they  want from you, that day, you will realise that your beauty and sexiness as a woman was just a flash pan to most men. Perhaps, if you will, as a woman, learn how to be useful to any man by learning how to talk and be respectful to him or how to make a home and multiply fruitfully whatever he gives you.
No matter how ugly you are as a woman, trust me in that man's eyes, you are beautiful brutal hahaha.
My dear gentleman or should I call you Mr. Gym Muscles. Stop developing the 6 packs and find yourself some meaningful work to do. You think you are strong because you have muscles, well, so does Mr. T and Arnold Schwarzenegger (Commando)
  Become valuable to your wife, to the woman, you desire to date or marry. Learn to be responsible and matured about things, learn to be reliable and trustworthy. Let her know she can count on you as a man in difficult times. Don't be a coward or chicken out the minute crisis hit and she's looking up to you for a solution. If you cannot provide any solution to any problems, Mr man, your 6 pack muscles or your nicely trimmed long beard will be useless.
Be a solution provider as a man.

Mr. Politician, I greet you oo. People are "doing you" Honourable Honourable, Chairman Chairman... so you think people like you too much. In your dreams. People don't like you one kobo, they like you because of the power and prestige you are enjoying. Which was given to you by them anyway.
Your usefulness is only within a period of 4 years then your fancy lifestyle will sadly come to an end.
To be useful and remembered as a politician, why don't you learn to implement good policies that can help people to have access to clean water and food, good education etc.
And stop flaunting your big cars and big mansions to spite people..
You will be forever remembered by people if you can provide these services to increase your political value than do otherwise.

My people, I know many of you will not like what I have said here today. But take everything I've said here like  bitter leaf. It is bitter to drink and taste but it has the power to heal you and make you healthy.
Even me, Kwame, writing to you, I criticise my own self in my own articles because I'm being honest to myself too.
Don't hate, just accept the truth.
Be valuable and learn to increase your value more as a person.

Bye for now

*Kwame Sarpong*
Freelance Writer


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