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Random Act of Kindness


"Carry out a random act of kindness to people with no expectation of reward in return,  safe in the knowledge that one day someone might also do same for you"

Princess Diana

In 1897, two teenage students from Stanford University in America planned to organise a concert in the school. They had a piano concert in mind.
So they wrote a letter to the world's famous pianist at the time who was from Poland to invite him to come to America and play the concert in their school. To show an act of good faith and integrity, they organised collection of money from all their friends in the school and added it and posted to the man.
When the  man received and read the letter, he was so moved and touched by their act. And he wrote back to them saying;
My dear boys, I am deeply touched by your kind gesture. For this reason, I have decided to come play the concert for you for free.
But I am sending your money back to you. Use it to pay any tuition fee or cost you may have. And any money, you make after the concert, use that too and save for your future.

Three weeks later, the pianist arrived in Stanford University. Everybody in the state of California,  not just Stanford were surprised to see such a famous man in their city. Many people from all over America came to Stanford to watch the concert live. The students made so much money that day that they both set up a trust fund for themselves and a scholarship fund for the brilliant but needy students in the school.

In the 1940s during the second world war, Poland was captured by Adolf Hitler and his  SS army. They ceased all foods and supplies from the people. With the intention to starve the citizens to death.

Worried about this consequences in the long term, the Polish president made a trip to America, then a world superpower county,  to plead with them to supply them food and clothing for them to survive. They would pay back later in another way.

When he got to the White House, the Polish president, now an old man was told to wait in the Presidential Suite in the Oval office of the White House, the president will join him shortly.

30 minutes later, the president walked in and sat down. He took a hard long look at the old man. He looked like someone he had met before but he didn't know where exactly. Then he screamed a little under his voice, the pianist, Stanford!!! Yes!!!! It's him!!! Oh my God!!!
Tears started to flow down his eyes. He couldn't control them or hold them back. He called his friend who was now a senator in the US Congress to come see a miracle.
When he came, they both asked the man, still in tears. Sir, please do you remember us? No, I don't the man replied in a weak voice. I don't remember you because I am very old and blind now. I cannot see anymore.

They managed to check their heavy emotions, and the president said we are the two teenage boys you did a divine act of kindness to back in College. Yes yes I remember you guys now. How are you? Were you able to graduate with enough money to start a good life?
We did sir. They answered. And not only that, I the person talking to you now, I am the president of this great country, America and my friend standing here beside me is a senator.
This is what we are going to do for you Sir. Not only are we going to give you enough food and Supplies for a lifetime. We are going to assist you with a military aid to drive out Hitler and his army. The man kept his head low and gave out a big sigh. He wiped his tears many times from his face while the two gentlemen stood beside him to console him. Hitler was driven out by the Americans, the British and the Soviet Union armies. He committed suicide in April  1945.

Here are the moral lessons for us all:
Never disregard any kind act as too big or too small to make an impact. You will be shocked by the results.

Don't treat people kindly with the expectation of getting something back in return. Those you help  may not have the power to give you something  in return, but the thoughts and prayers in their heart for you will prosper you.

Be kind anyway. Because not everyone will choose intentionally to celebrate your kindness acts towards them. Or celebrate you. Some will choose to crucify you in an evil way to others because they may feel you should have done more or they may feel entitled to your riches or success. It can be very painful experience to live with such a painful act of ingratitude from people who ought to be grateful to you.

But still, be kind anyway!!!

Love you.

Kwame Sarpong
Freelance Writer


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