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The Feminine Trials

Fatima Gaye Dakar, Senegal

He expects me to cook, clean and bear babies for him as though I am contracted to.
I have an MBA in Finance from University of Manchester, yet I have been stuck at home since our marriage.
He gags me with strict tradition and is so out of touch with this world. I love him but I want to be free.
Can someone feel my pain as a woman??

Ama Paintsil,  Accra Ghana
I was warned,  I repeat I was warned oo but I didn't listen. This love thing and what it has done to me, only God knows. I was head over heels in love with him. I saw the red flags early but didn't halt my brakes on him. Tell me, will you, if you have this tall glass of chocolate as your boyfriend ??So keep your judging mouths to yourself. But here is the thing, he left me for an "educated lady" according to him, someone who fits his now deserving status.
He's left me with two boys to take care of alone all by myself. Must I kill myself because I can't speak good English as a woman?? Please help me.

Elizabeth Matteson, Virginia, USA

Power and freedom to all women was my slogan. Women have to be treated right as humans, respected and appreciated.
This is my universal fight for all women. I am an associate professor at a Virginia University.  Last year, some man approached me, talking about he is interested in me and all that trash talk. Hold on, before you judge me, he talked trash about willing to take care of me. Asked him what he does for a living, an apprentice at an automobile company. He said.
I mistook him for a proud and an arrogant person though.
5 years on, on my 40th birthday, I bought myself a house. But I realized I had no one to share my dreams with. I have everything yet I feel awful. Did I do something wrong to deserve loneliness??

Tempest Blake,  Louton Town, United Kingdom

I love the thrill of good sex. Good heavens, I really do. My ex boyfriend could round me up like a roller coaster ride and I could still ask for more and this boy will be so up to the task.
I married my husband of 5 years, our first year of marriage was great, fun, exciting and everything. After his promotion last year, dude has been working his socks off. But I get so mad at him for not meeting my sexual needs like he used to. I call my ex boyfriend for Service duties often even though we are both married. I enjoy my life but feel guilty at the same time too.
Am I wrong to have some fun if the party man is out the house most days?
Help a sister please.

Luisa Oliveira, Sao Paulo, Brazil

My father left my mother in a poor state after all that this woman did for him. She singlehandedly struggled to raise us two girls. From this experience, I had vowed to glue any man to me if we become intimate.
Antonio, one guy I met in a local bar near my neighborhood, we started something together you know, dating, living as a couple and all that. Lately I suspected him coming home late from work, receiving  his phone calls outside and cancelling our dinner plans especially on Friday nights.
I can nag and nag all night to him without him saying a word. My fear of losing a man like my mother did is starting to kick in.
Am I right to feel this way?

Sarina Najeet, Hyderabad, India

We Indian women are very loyal, sometimes too loyal to a fault. I have served, worshipped and adored my husband for years.
10 years ago, he had an offer to work for Chrysler in Detroit USA. He still treats me like a queen 10 years on, but a few months ago, he came home bringing along a baby. Where from this babe ..? I asked. I had an affair with a coworker. That man lied, it wasn't just an affair, it was a fully functional relationship behind my back.
I feel like cutting his sausage off.
I feel betrayed. How did I bring myself to love and stay loyal to this man all my life?

I don't know what to do anymore. Help me please.

Any advice for these women??

Kwame Sarpong

Freelance Writer


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