My prayer....
I have faith in everything I do. Because I believe everything will work out fine in the end.
People may say I'm crazy for continuing to do and believe in something that brings no reward.
Yes, the reward may take long in coming but I won't still give up.
Big dreams, big ideas look small to a smaller mind. That is why they continue to discourage me. I refuse to give up
I have been told several times that I can't do this and I can't do that, i can't try this and I can't try that. Those are only opinions of people who are discouraging me because they fear I might fail miserably if I try doing what I love doing.
Should I also give up on myself because people are expressing their worries and concerns??
No! Not now and never. I rather prefer to try and fail big and learn from my mistakes than to sit down and bite my nails in fear and not try at all.
My faith is like the mustard seed, no matter how small or hard my beginning maybe, I still have faith because my source of hope and strength is in the almighty God and not in any man.
I cry a lot at nights, complain a lot and ask a billion questions when I keep trying and still fail. It devours my spirit in fear and too much worry sometimes but what I'm not willing to do now is to let that fear take control of me. I have to embrace my fears and doubts, the disappointments and the plenty of No responses I get from people. And honestly, so should you.
Yes you, the one reading this right now.
Or are you going to give up anyway because life is hard??
Are you going to give up because you have tried so many times and can't seem to ever succed??
Me, I have faith and I still believe.
I'm going to make it big out of this. Come rain or shine.
You reading this right now,. what's your excuse really???
Kwame Sarpong | Freelance Writer:
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