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Do we know that being alive alone is very precious than all the things we have in this world?

I spent many years thinking what I had and enjoyed as young man and a little boy was not enough. I was always thinking if I could walk perfectly, then my life would be so much complete. I'm bullied a lot, I look weird and quirky to a lot of people because I walk in a funny slow way, much like a crab. (Smiles).

Everything else will be fine with my life if I can just walk straight like everybody else I always thought to myself.

I spent more than half of my childhood in hospitals so  trust me, I saw more of these things and questioned many things I didn't understand at the time as well.

Then my whole view on appreciating life and valuing contentment changed when I first went to live in the hospital. I would usually see people brought in and rushed to the emergency ward fighting for their life after a car accident on the road. As I lay in the general ward of a government hospital, these horrific incidents were a regular thing. One time, I could hear one man shouting; Dear God, please spare my life, I will live faithfully for you if you let me live. This man had tore the upper part of his chest from a bus accident he had had on his journey back home from a long travel.

Everytime his wife visited him and all of us in the general ward, he will be in the latest Benz at the time and wearing the most expensive clothes money can buy. She would always bring along expensive gifts and goodies for all of us in the general ward.

But all her dear husband yearned for most was to live again, feeling healthy again and in good condition. Not once, did he ask his wife, how are my cars, my houses or jewellery. None of that. Everyday of his life in this hospital until he was discharged, he was praying to God to keep him alive once more and keep him healthy.

Our world today places value on material things more; having lots of money, houses, cars, having the expensive and the finer things in life as against being happy because you have food to eat, being grateful for having a roof over your head (a house) or the thanking God for a good healthy lifestyle.

We even judge how important or valuable a person these days by the vast amount of these material things he has. Which means if  someone does not have these materials things or is not working very hard to get them, then that person becomes useless to us or to our society.
And yet we act surprised when we hear on the evening news about the high rates of suicide, high rates in depression and high rates in crime.
Too much pressure in the society nowadays. Everyone wants to get rich quick. Just to fit in and to be respected by everyone.

We are very much responsible for this evil trend as a society. All of us are guilty of this.

And we quickly go to blame the youth and anybody who aspires to get these things by hook or crook as selfish and too materialistic.

I'm sorry, but are all of us not being hipocrites here???
I leave you to judge for yourself.

Not being content breeds jealousy and greed, depression, anxiety disorders, ungratefulness, arrogance and sadness.
Most of us spend a huge amount of time wishing we had the "good" lives of others, neglecting the fact that we have a peaceful life even though we are broke. We have a piece of mind and the joy of a wonderful wife, husband, children and family members who dearly love us.

Just because on the eye, life appears to be easy for someone else you know, does not mean life will be easier for you too if you had all those things he has. Do you know the sacrifices he took or the pain he had to endure to get to where he is now?
You have no idea!!!!!
The bible says if we have food to eat, water to drink and a shelter to lay our head, let us be content with that.

There is great wisdom in that.

Kwame Sarpong |  Freelance Writer: 
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m: +233205832364 | p: +233205832364
f: Otumfour Kwame Sarpong
t: @kwamesarpong25
inst: iamotumfour
L: Kwame Sarpong


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