Everything created in this world has its beauty but we don't see it. Sometimes we don't appreciate it that much like we ought to.
Not everyone has the eyes to appreciate beautiful things wrapped in a dirty cover. Until you take the covering off you will never appreciate the gift which is wrapped inside.
Sometimes, we may be beating ourselves too hard wondering when all our hardwork and sacrifice are ever going to be rewarded.
Why does my husband not appreciate everything I do for him as a wife? I cook, clean, wash dishes and clothes and bear babies for him yet he does not value what I do. I buy the best things money can buy for my wife, yet she doesn't appreciate. I provide for the home and take care of our children yet she sometimes compare me with other men, only yells for me to do more. .
Why am I not valued or appreciated by the people who are supposed to value and appreciate me?
We feel very disappointed, frustrated and let down when our sacrifice and love is not returned equally by the people we give it to.
We ask ourselves many more of these questions, seeking to find answers. We don't find the answers we are looking for, because we ourselves don't appreciate or deeply love the things we do ourselves. We have to love ourselves first, value ourselves first before other people can give us back the love we expect from them.
We should not go looking for love, worth, appreciation and respect from other people when we haven't given these things to ourselves first. The sad thing is most of the people we do these things for, may never appreciate our sacrifice. They may not even say thank you. Just like the dirty cover wrapper wrapping the beautiful gift, never let the dirty cover wrapper of most people spoil or ruin the beautiful gift you are as a person.
So, please inspite of it being hard to do, love yourself first in everything you do. Love yourself more to love your husband too, love yourself more to love your wife, love yourself more to love others.
This will help you understand that you do what you do from the good place in your heart. Not because you expect anything in return. You choose to do this yourself because of the person you are.
Do not let bitterness, indifference and apathy destroy the good things you do. Use self love and self appreciation to cure them all.
Help other people see the beauty in your own self so that self beauty will attract them to you.
Remember, the value and love you give yourself will attract the same love from others to you.
Do not let the ingratitude and ungratefulness of people spoil the inner beauty who you are.
Kwame Sarpong | Freelance Writer:
e: nyansa365@gmail.com | w: nyansa365.blogspot.com
m: +233205832364 | p: +233205832364
f: Otumfour Kwame Sarpong
t: @kwamesarpong25
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L: Kwame Sarpong
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