Fake people are only nice to you when it's convenient for them because they always have a hidden agenda.
They always think of their interests first above everything else.
Genuinely nice people go out of their way to help others because they have an honest heart. Stick with the ones who never let you down and keep their promises even under unplanned circumstances.
You can't always fake an honest heart. You either have it or you don't.
Never abuse a kind heart because it is already rare, once it's gone, you will never find another one like it again.
And never take good or kind people for granted because it already takes a big effort to be a kind person in the world today.
Understand this, some of the most generous people have no money but a big heart
Some of the wisest people have no education but have a strong desire to teach others their failures and successes so they may learn from it.
Some of the kindest people are people who were hurt the most.
Kwame Sarpong | Freelance Writer :
e: nyansa365@gmail.com | w: nyansa365.blogspot.com
m: +233205832364 | p: +233205832364
f: Otumfour Kwame Sarpong
t: @kwamesarpong25
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