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Your Appointed Time

Nobody sees the stars during the day. But in the night, they are visible. God knows how to hide you until it's your time to shine. Your invincibility does not mean you don't exist. It only means your time has not yet come.
Wait patiently my dear sister, my dear brother, wait for your appointed time of your divine approval. That time is called "One Day"


How many of us have been waiting on a miracle from God  or some breakthrough of a sort to happen, but it never seems to happen.
You're a responsible husband, a loving father,  you dutifully take care of all your responsibilities at home, take good care of your wife and family. But yet you have been struggling to make strides in your business despite all the good morals of integrity and honesty you have shown in doing your business.
You are thinking of giving up because you have genuinely tried everything you know, but it's not working. But I'm writing this article to tell you this morning that don't give up my dear brother.
Don't you dare give up!!!!! Keep working hard, be consistent and stay consistent with whatever you are doing, your appointed time will soon come. And you will be glad you waited.

You are being emotionally heckled everyday as a woman. Whatever you do negative or positive, becomes the talk of town. If you are single, wishing to pursue a life ambition before any marriage or serious commitment, they keep telling you, Get a husband and get a life, woman!!!
If you are a married woman too with long fruitfully years in marriage without a child or children of your own, they will say Get your own children woman and learn how to be responsible in your life!!!!
Has lacking any of these joys of life made you miserable and feeling rejected or unworthy  by the society, even though you feel you have been doing everything you can and giving your all, don't give up, my dear sister, like the invisible stars during the day, your appointed time is coming.
And all men shall give glory to God because of your faith and patience.

You are a young man or woman like me, the influx of flamboyant social media lifestyle displayed by everybody on your Facebook and Instagram page is making you doubt the confidence in yourself that you too you can make it in life.
You have begun to look down on the small blessings you are enjoying in your own life as though they are woefully not enough compared to what your friends and colleagues are displaying on social media. You have thought of going for black magic "juju" to better your situation. To flaunt wealth and show people how it feels to have money from working hard.
Don't!!!! My dear one, if you are feeding such negative  thoughts in your head.
Comparison is a thief of all joy and happiness in life. If only you will listen to me, do not compare your life to what you see your friends and other people do on social media.
It's a life of mirage, an illustration of illusion portrayed. Because they are only showing their happy side and moments in life. What you don't see and probably will not see them post is their unhappy selves or their moments of failure in life. No right thinking person on this earth will be willing to show or share his or her weakness in public.
Please get this fact and understand it fully.

I, Kwame Sarpong, writing to you this moment, I'm not immune to any of the hardships in life, either, I suffer my own share of humiliation, defeats, failures and struggles.
Yet I make it my commitment everyday so long as I live to write motivational and inspirational messages to uplift and encourage you.
Despite all the hardships I may go through daily, I will not stop doing what I have been divinely assigned by God to do for you daily.
You know why??? Because I know very well my appointed time of honour by God is coming. If I do my job well. I repeat, if I do my job well. And so will you too if you stay true to who you are and keep doing what you are doing.

I leave you with this from the Bible;

Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 Which of you by worrying can add one [a]cubit to his [b]stature? (Mathew 6:26-34)

Hold on please... For your appointed time is soon coming.

Love you.

*Kwame Sarpong*
Freelance Writer


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