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The Last Salvation

April 14, 1912

The RMS Titanic, the biggest man made ship in the world had just sank. Loud screams heard across-board. Some people were not able to find their loved ones, some found them dead next to other dead bodies.
   Those who died instantly after the ship sank,  died either from heavy metals and heavy ship debris falling on them or froze in the sea to death because they did not have  on enough life jackets to protect them against the icy sea water.
   Pastor John Harper, a Scottish Baptist Preacher was also caught amongst the rest in the icy water. He had been playing christian hymns on his accordion to the delight of the gathered guests when the Titanic suddenly sank. Usually, at the end of every performance, he would ask if any of the guests would love to give his life to Christ, and when they came forward, he would lead them in a prayer to salvation.
         On this icy moment, he checked his fur coat to see if he had any Gospel of Jesus leaflets left  on him to share with those afloat the water holding on for the next lifeboat to come rescue them. To his left,    he saw a man who had fractured his knees and was screaming in pain while holding on to mid size piece of wood to stay afloat. He swam quickly to the man and tore two  lengthy pieces of the man's shirt and dived deep beneath the water to cover the man's fractured knees. Pastor John swarm back up again and asked the man a question....
          What's your name sir? Irvin. My name is Irvin. The man replied. Irvin, do you know who Jesus Christ is? No. should I?? The man asked angrily. Listen mister, I appreciate your help very much for coming out to help me the way you did. But I'm in great pain here. What does my pain got to do with Jesus or whoever you call him. Who is he by the way??
          Pastor John answered Jesus Christ is the son of the living God. He was sent unto the earth that whosoever believe in him will not die but have an everlasting life. Wow!!! you're really a funny guy man, Mr.....?? Harper John Harper. He replied immediately after the man. How can a dead person have an everlasting life through this Jesus. You do realise he's already dead. Don't you??     No dead person can come back to life. Pastor Harper initially thought of giving the man one of his leaflets but stopped himself immediately because unlike the usual days, this man and every man in the icy water had very little time to live or stay alive including himself.
Very interesting question, Pastor Harper said.  But Jesus says to us in the bible; " I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live even after dying" (John 11:25). I'm not here to bother you or cause you more pain my dear friend.       I'm here for one and one reason only to tell you about Jesus Christ so you know about him before anything happens to us here.
         Pastor John, the man said softly, you rushed to save my life today and soothed the pain in my fractured knees. You are a very kind man I can tell. If this Jesus you speak so passionately about, is any good man as you are, then I accept him too. Pastor John Harper led the man to pray by putting his one on his chest. He then kissed the man on the forehead and went away. He continued this with a few more people around him and carried majority of them afloat using a big plank of wood he had found under one of the ship's debris. As he continued swimming, searching for more people with breath to talk to, he saw his wife, white-faced, pale and weak. He kissed her and breathed air into her lungs countless times before his wife coughed and gained consciousness. He immediately took of his fur coat and life jacket he wore inside his fur coat and dressed all of them on his wife. He swam quickly to find another big plank of wood so his dear wife, Betty can lay on too without freezing to death. He finally found one and came across to his wife placing her halfway on it. He stayed with her as they sang Amazing Grace together. They heard a loud sound like that of a horn and they book looked up ahead. They saw a ship coming towards them.
         Pastor John Harper shouted as loud as he could. Everyone, listen to me, at the count of three, push your wood forward and swim towards the ship ahead of us.

1,2,3....he shouted and they all followed in his lead. As the captain and his crew were helping the people up, they held Betty's hand up. Betty immediately realised his husband John was missing. She shouted to the captain for help. The captain dived deep into the water. A minute later he brought Pastor John Harper up. He had already frozen to death. The captain asked....was he not wearing any life jacket??? With tears flowing down her face, his wife answered; he was wearing one but he gave his to me instead. My husband saved me.
         Pastor John Harper worried more about the salvation of others than his own life. Because he wanted to be in heaven with as many people as he can. Even if he would lose his own life.

What are you and I doing today as a sacrifice to save other people for Christ??
I'm a sinner,    I'm  not a perfect man,  neither am I holy. But I'm willing to sacrifice to do just that for a heavenly crown someday.

I hope each one can also take a pledge in your heart to do same.

Kwame Sarpong |  Freelance Writer: 
e: | w: 
m: +233205832364 | p: +233205832364
f: Otumfour Kwame Sarpong
t: @kwamesarpong25
inst: iamotumfour
L: Kwame Sarpong


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