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Defend Her Honour


A man was arranged before a court to be prosecuted and charged with an over speeding ofense.
The judge was shocked and amazed to see a frail elderly man walking slowly towards him holding unto a stick.

He got into the witness box and greeted the judge respectfully. Good morning Judge, how are we doing today? Pretty well sir. The judge then went further to ask, what is the offence that summons you to my courtroom today sir?
Your honour, I have been charged with over speeding and missing the red light.
Oh I see... so do you plead guilty or not guilty to this offence?
I am guilty your honour.  And why is that sir? The judge asked. Well, your honour, my wife had a sudden stroke while she was trying to get my body into a comfortable position last night as we were about to sleep.

I got in total shock and I didn't know what to do at that moment. So I rushed to my old garage and took out the keys of my 1967 Chevy and drove her to the hospital. It was at one of those traffic stops that's when I got chased by the police at top speed but I thought of getting my wife to the hospital into safe  care first  before I stop for the police. So I did just that your honour.

How old are you sir? 90, your honour. What?? 90 years old and yet you took such great risk to drive so fast without thinking of the consequences that may fall on you.

Why sir? I can't charge  you on anything else beyond a fine. But I just want to hear your story. Tell me why.

Because she is worth it your honour. She had been the shinning light behind my total disgrace as a man and covered all my failures before our children.
I was an absentee father for my family, a drunkard and an abusive husband anytime I got home from my wanderings and my infidelities. But through it all, my wife kept the family together and taught  my children to respect me as a father even when I didn't deserve one  as a man.

So, you see your honour, it was my turn to defend her honour as the virtuous woman she has been for the past 60 years of our marriage. I'm ready to pay any fine you ask of me so long as you will give me the chance after that  to go and stay by her side.

Tears started flowing on people's faces in the courtroom as the man's story had touched everybody.

Often times as men, we overlook the relevance and the important roles women play in our lives. I agree,  some, may be a pain in the neck to live with.
But what about those women who dedicate their lives to making you a better husband, father, a better boyfriend and a respectable man among the rest of other men who may not see your true worth?

If she has seen you through your worst moments as a man, and still stays submissive and respectful to you as a woman,  stay true to her and adore her as much as you can.

If it seems as something unbearable and unthinkable for you to do as a man, just remember this real quick, the people who love us truly and deeply always appear as fools or needy or clingy before our eyes. But those acts are their vulnerability and pureness shown right before us.

Do not take that woman for granted especially if she goes through the pits of hell everyday just to make your ever swelling ego personality happy.

If you are blessed to have a woman like that in your life as a man,  defend her honour always at all cost.

*Kwame Sarpong*

*Freelance Writer*


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