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Showing posts from August, 2020

God Is Not Your Pocket Genie

Going through tests and trials are inevitable for each of us in this life. Because God did not promise us anywhere in the Bible actually, that this life is going to be easier. So stop wishing that life should get easier for you, just because you are a christian or a person with a good heart. You will be disappointed if you are thinking in such pattern. Hustle hard everyday as though today is your last.. And when you pray though, don't go before God with big tongues and marathon prayers, go before him with a plan and vision for your life and business. Work on those dreams and visions everyday and pray to God along every decision you take as you work on them. God is not our favourite uncle or auntie who will give us cookies and chocolate mints anytime we come crying out to him. Sometimes he will "commot his eye small" just to see the effort and the commitment you have on your own in solving your own problems before he jumps in to help you. Working hard on yourself an...

The Myth on Creativity and Education

Just about 8pm Saturday evening, I went to my Facebook page. Surprisingly, the first news item I saw on my Facebook wall or timeline was the news of the death of Professor  (Prof.) Ken Robinson, a famous advocate for education and learning. Prof. Robinson has changed my views on education, learning and creativity a lot, since I started listening to his Ted Talk Speech on why schools around the world and education in general need to focus more on getting children to be creative and not intelligent. According to him, creativity is a  natural talent or gift given by God that helps man to solve problems. Education, however,  is a slow aid to the growth of creativity in human beings because it makes us only good to an extent and does not help us to explore more. Education's main focus is on literacy (ability to read and write) and does not go further to help your mind or brain explore its capacity to its full potential. He feared amongst many things that education will on...

Blood Diamond

Freetown Sierra Leone, 1980 Are we done taking the pictures dad?? Yes we are done champ..we are done. I could almost tell that day that that my dad was very excited that day. He was told he would receive a mouthwatering mining deal for his growing diamond business. They had in advance giving him a little token as a bonus of good faith to invest in my dad's business. So he took us all shopping that day, bought us new clothes and shoes, bought my mum  new dresses for almost every event she might want to attend. We went out to our first family dinner outside our home in a plush hotel near Freetown's upscale neighborhood that evening. My dad asked us to order any "delicious food" we desired on the menu. His words to my mom were "Darling, this deal from this investment company is going to change our lives forever years to come" we ate, danced and took dozens of pictures that evening. Sapphire Incorporated was the American Investment company that had promis...

Missed Opportunities

Be very careful of the things you take for granted today. Opportunities stare us in the face everyday. How we are able to see or spot it and make use of it is actually what counts. For some, it may be taking a bold decision to start a dream business with little financial support from family and friends but they may rather wish for a bigger investment before they start. For most people, it's about starting a new life with hope and a positive attitude but we fear to take that bold step forward because we are still haunted by our fears and failures in the past. For others, it's the chance to get an education, an on the job experience in a particular field of profession but we turn it down because it doesn't promise quick profits or any money making guarantees. Here is what we sometimes forget quickly, big opportunities often come disguised and usually not as we are expecting it to be so we end up taking it for granted. Will we live to regret it someday or feel proud that...


Just remember, your competition isn't other people Your competition is; Your procrastination to getting important things done Your ego, that makes you think you are above everyone else Your unhealthy eating habits and health choices The knowledge you neglect because you think you know it all or because you think others don't have an opinion on a matter because they are not intelligent The negative mindset and behaviour you're nurturing because because you think you are not worth something Your lack of Creativity. Failing to explore new ideas or try new things because you think you will fail or not succeed again. You're not in competition with anyone but yourself. Kwame Sarpong

The Feminine Trials

Fatima Gaye Dakar, Senegal He expects me to cook, clean and bear babies for him as though I am contracted to. I have an MBA in Finance from University of Manchester, yet I have been stuck at home since our marriage. He gags me with strict tradition and is so out of touch with this world. I love him but I want to be free. Can someone feel my pain as a woman?? Ama Paintsil,  Accra Ghana I was warned,  I repeat I was warned oo but I didn't listen. This love thing and what it has done to me, only God knows. I was head over heels in love with him. I saw the red flags early but didn't halt my brakes on him. Tell me, will you, if you have this tall glass of chocolate as your boyfriend ??So keep your judging mouths to yourself. But here is the thing, he left me for an "educated lady" according to him, someone who fits his now deserving status. He's left me with two boys to take care of alone all by myself. Must I kill myself because I can't speak good English ...