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Is Your Name In The Book of Life?

Do you know the world is closer to coming to an end??
Do you know Jesus is coming soon to judge the world??
Do you why is he coming back to judge the world?

What are the signs you should look out for to see the end of the world is getting closer and closer?

Do you even know who Jesus is??

A story is told of a man of God who died and instantly saw angels standing next to his soul. They spoke with him a brief moment and took him closer to a big book to check for his name inside this big book.
It was the biggest book this man had ever seen. What is this? He asked the angels who were walking beside him.
The Book of Life,  one of them said. Though he had heard many times  about it whiles he was alive on earth but he was surprised to see it physically.  When they got closer to the book, the book opened by itself and started turning page after page. Frightened and scared, he again asked the angels in a terrified voice
Why is the pages turning like this.... It is looking to find if your name is written in it.
Oh I see, i shouldn't worry about these things my friends, because  I know my name is in it already. Because I have served the lord faithfully for years in the church.  The angels didn't pay attention to him this time but kept their eyes glued on the turning pages waiting for it to stop. It finally did and to the man's suprise, his name was not in this sacred book. 
With shock and anger, he shouted at the angels to check the book again.
Sorry, your name is not in the book of life. Therefore you cannot be allowed to enter the kingdom of heaven to be with the lord.

I have built big churches for God and I have healed the sick using the power of Jesus's name. He shouted. My name should rather be the first to appear. And now you people and this big book are saying that my name can't be found so I cannot go to see God.
Wait a minute, are you trying to tell me all the kindness I did for people, the monies and the service I gave to the church was all  in vain?? He asked with a crying tone.
Yes. The angels all answered in one voice.
But why, what did I do wrong? I did everything right  by the book, just like the bible said.
One of the angels held the man's hand and started talking to him. Remember in the bible   Jesus said "Not all who call me lord lord will enter heaven but the one who does the will of my father. (Mathew 7:21). When you were on earth, you were unforgiving and bitter whenever people did you wrong and you allowed the hate to stay in your heart for so long,  for your enemies until the time you will have your revenge on them. God loved everything you did except that. And sadly you died and left the earth without ever repenting from it.
I don't understand this, the man said. You mean I should have forgiven them and forgotten.  Even though they hurt me badly and caused me so much pain???
Yes. This is because Jesus Christ died for your sins and forgave you everything (John 3:16). Or you could have confronted them and let them know that  what they did to you was wrong to free your mind from evil thoughts. You didn't do any of that. So that's why you are where you are today. And they left the man and disappeared.
I don't know how true this story is. But one thing is for sure, I know the bible is real and God is real. And so is Jesus Christ. And if we humans, even here on earth refer to any peaceful and beautiful place as heaven, and a tougher and any unbearable place we cannot live or stay there as Hell. Then I also do believe there exists a real heaven and hell too. Otherwise there would not be names for them.
As we are talking daily about the virus and how deadly and scary it is, let us not forget to talk and think carefully about these things too. This may sound funny to many or even a joke. But if we humans today, right this moment are even scared of a flu and a lung viral disease, what shall we do then if something bigger than this virus hits us again unawares sometime in the future.
(Just thinking aloud)
I'm not a perfect man, I have many sins and flaws as a man. So don't think of me as some crazy holier than thou,  self righteous man. Yes I am a Christian, but I'm also a realist and a practical thinker of the right and wrong things as you are.
In my alone moments, I'm just writing to help you and me think about the happenings and events of this life and the world.

Like me,  I hope these strange events and activities in the world will push you to think in a deeper sense than you usually do.

He has got the whole wide world in his hands.

Kwame Sarpong |  Freelance Writer: 
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m: +233205832364 | p: +233205832364
f: Otumfour Kwame Sarpong
t: @kwamesarpong25
inst: iamotumfour
L: Kwame Sarpong


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